When I got off the ship, I went directly to the seaplanes. I inquired about the flight and dinner package. It would cost over $400..... I walked away and had to think about that expense.
I love just walking around to get the feel of the place. Seeing the beauty and enjoying the sunshine.
Loved this 🌈
Spectacular 🌺
This is the governor's house
I started walking up the hill and a friendly man directed me to a cool path.
I got to climb a bunch of stairs
I got some great views from here
The flowers everywhere were gorgeous
I found a park so I went back down the stairs now
So much fun.....I forgot about the seaplanes and the flight I couldn't afford.
Look!! I found this fabulous creek.
I'm in my happy place inside the trees.
It was the perfect temperature too!
So pretty.
See the guy swimming?? I heard it was COLD........😂🤣
Back on the street to see what I can see 👀
When I came across this house, I wondered if I could live here.
This was the Main Street in town
Another trip..... I definitely want to do a seaplane
When I got back to the dock, I wandered down the marina.
There were some very nice yachts. I could live on a boat too.
I found a Bear!
So many beautiful flowers!
Here I am in Juneau!! Living my dream of cruising Alaska ❤️
I did a sampler of local beers.... of course! 🍻
I found cornhole..... and discovered that my skills didn't come with me on the cruise to Alaska. I sucked that day! 🤣
So I went to drown my sorrows at the Red Dog Saloon. https://www.reddogsaloon.com
This old guy was good and funny. Look at his tip jar. I found out later my friend Sean O'Brien from Lo De Marcos Mexico was working there but I didn't see him. He owns the sky in LDM. https://m.facebook.com/profile.php/?id=100056774117453
One last stop at Barnaby brew pub because I needed a restroom https://www.barnabybrew.com/
Such a cool port.
Bye bye Juneau
Sailing away 🚢⚓️
Nice pictures. You should know by now that it isn't the propellor or the wings that make airplanes fly. It's money.